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If you wish there was a magical someone who could make your wedding flawlessly elegant, The Wedding Conceirge is what you're looking for  !

At The Wedding Conceirge, we specialize in crafting bespoke luxury weddings that are tailored to your unique style and vision, with a touch of elegance and sophistication that will make your special day unforgettable 



Bia Sandhu

is a highly accomplished professional and an esteemed team member, serving as our Wedding Stylist and Etiquette Expert. With over two decades of experience in the aviation industry, Bia is internationally renowned for her skills in Personal Styling, Image Makeovers, Personal Brand Consulting, and Pageant Coaching. In addition, she is a certified Image Consultant and Soft Skills trainer under Judith Rasband. Bia's dedication to maintaining high standards of image and quality ethics is reflected in her meticulous and devoted approach to Styling, Image Management, Grooming, and Appearance.


Rashida Pavthiwala

is a professional Makeup Artist based in Bangalore with close to a decade of experience in the field. She obtained her IMA Certification from the prestigious London School of Makeup. She has since excelled in delivering makeup artistry for various events, including High Fashion, Runway, Weddings, Luxury Brand Shoots, Makeovers, Model Portfolios, and Celebrity styling.

For Rashida, makeup is a medium for expressing fashion and boosting confidence, allowing her to showcase her artistic talents. She has worked on several significant projects with reputable brands like Vogue and films like Star Wars.

We Are BEST AT !

Why endure the hassle of hopping between different places to fulfil your wedding needs when you can discover all the information and guidance you need at one convenient location? From the Best Wedding Stylist In India.

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